Friday, October 2, 2015

Challenging Myself

The other day I challenged myself to overcome one of my greatest fears.  For me, it is starting something new and venturing into the unknown.  Even when I was younger I had this fear.  As a swimmer, I was always the last person to jump into the pool for warm-up.  I knew that I was dry and warm on land and that jumping into the pool would make me cold and wet.  The hardest part of practice was just starting.
After talking about trying to get back into shape by walking and watching what I am eating, I decided to try a group fitness class at my gym.  The class I chose was a barre pilates class.  Not only have I never taken a group fitness class, unless you include swim practice, I have also never learned barre or pilates.  I have heard all about how amazing both exercises are and how they will help me get into shape by toning up and working on flexibility. 
Even after walking in and starting the class I was still nervous.  I felt very self-conscious.  What if I messed up or couldn't even do the moves?!  I think I was also the largest person in the class.
While watching myself for 45 minutes in a mirror didn't really help me feel better about my size, but I did feel better about me at the end of the class.  I didn't do all the positions correctly and I couldn't do all of the moves, but the instructor was so helpful and encouraging.  She always gave alternatives to the entire group as an option for everyone and would explain the movement again if I was having difficulties.
The ladies in the class were also wonderful.  After the class most of the ladies came up to me and gave very encouraging comments.  "That was a great first day!"  and "You did great!"  were a blessing to hear when I felt everything but great. 
So happy that I went to the group fitness class and learned some barre pilates.  I know I am going to feel the workout tomorrow.  Hopefully I will make this a weekly adventure.
Do you have any of these fears?  Have you tried to overcome them as well?  How did you feel during and afterwards?  If you also are doing barre, pilates, or both and want to share your experiences with me I would love to hear!  Also would you like to hear more about my journey to getting back into shape?  Would you like to join me?  Maybe every week we can check in and encourage each other? 
See you soon!
Love always

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